Thursday, September 06, 2007


The sheep went on a date. They are off to another farm to be bred. This means that EP no longer has any chores to do.

EP ran in her CC meet on Saturday and scored for her team. You have to be top 5 of the team to count. Her time this weekend was 17:19. If you remember her last time was 19:08 so she's running better already. I think she could have done better but I'm picky and very competitive.

CE seems to be doing okay at school so far. I haven't heard much but then the workload has been kind of light.

AE seems to have decided that they want a house and are putting in a bid on the house right next to her sister. If they get that house I sure hope they can get along being that close to each other. I'm not sure how BL feels about it.

The stupid water softener decided to act up so I have to get parts for it. The system it was using as drainage apparently isn't good enough any more and it has a tendency to shoot water all over the basement. I'll fix that sucker so it won't have any excuses.

I saw this on tv last night and I thought I'd share it with everyone. My brother's comment after the clip was over: "Nice house, nobody home."

This version has been subtitled. It won't help you understand anything but it's nice if you have the sound off.

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