Monday, November 20, 2006

Going out on a limb.

I debated even bringing this up because this REALLY narrows down WHO I am if anyone really has that much energy! But I decided to go out on a limb here (yes that is funny, you'll see why in a minute.) This IS my family tree (again, funny, i know...i know... you'll see in a second.)!

ok ... you've waited long enough ... HERE IT IS!

This is not mine personally, but it is named after my relatives. I don't mean a million cousins half a dozen times removed either. I could prove it but that would REALLY give me away!
I know it's just a tree ... but still ... it is cool in it's own way :)

Next: What to do with old bananas

Friday, November 10, 2006

Wow, look at all the cops!

So after being engaged and living with my one and only girlfriend to date, (yeah we already know I sucked in that department), she decided that she wanted to be with someone else. This totally helped my self-esteem as you can imagine. So being a stupid teenager, (pushing 20's), and not wanting to give up on the situation, I decided I had to go and talk to her. I drove out to where she lived. She was not home. I parked in the street and waited. I waited a long time. A VERY long time! I don't remember what time it was but I do know it was around 2am. (Don't roll your eyes at me! It seemed like a good idea at the time!)

I got bored. I started playing with stuff in my truck. Fidget with this, fidget with that. This apparently was the second or third big mistake (if you're counting). One of the things in my cluttery truck was a cap gun that I had gotten a very long time ago (from a day when a couple teenage boys decided to go buy silly toys at the store).

Let's just say that at 2am, through the glass of a vehicle, a cap gun looks like a real gun ... apparently ... !

Much time has gone by and I've given up playing with that and am just sitting doing nothing. A police car rolls down the street and stops in the middle of the road some distance down the road in front of where I am parked. I see cops get out and at this point I'm thinking, COOL! something wild is going on. I got something to watch to pass the time!

I watch them put on bulletproof vests ...

Wow! This is serious! I wonder what is going on!

I watch them for a while. I look in the mirror and I see more cops behind walking up the road and the sidewalk. Wow! What are the odds?

It was shortly after this point that the very loud voice said ... put your hands where we can see them ... it was also at this point that it was ME they were talking to! I was the major point of interest! Front row seats! What the heck!

The cops close in ... and tell me to put my hands out the rolled down window of the truck.
As soon as I did. One cop grabs my arms and the other cop opens the door to the truck. OH! Did I mention that I was also looking down the barrel of at least TWO very large, black service pistols? Let me just say, NOT the end of the gun you wanna be on!

So after they search me and my truck, they find out that the "gun" is a toy, I think they were disappointed. During the search they found the pocket knife that I always carried (I live on a farm remember) and decided they needed to make this worth while. Now, don't jump to conclusions...the blade length was fine. According to police, it could be opened with one hand with centrifigal force (I didn't think this was the time to tell them that there is no such thing).
As a public announcement: it doesn't matter whether YOU can open a knife one-handed with said fictional force, it only matters that a 6'5" 250lb cop can.

To make the rest of this long story short. I spent the rest of the morning in a jail cell. Oh, and you do get one phone call, it just isn't allowed to be long distance. Here's a clue ... I live long distance from EVERYWHERE! Thanks for nothing! I had to appear in court. I received 1 year probation and 50 hours community service (which was cake ... it was working on a farm on Saturdays, where the farmer liked to not work too hard and take breaks if needed... also, his wife cooked fantastic lunches)

The "gun" charge got dropped, just for the record. I wonder why.
Oh, I forgot to mention. On the way to the police station, handcuffed in the back of the cop car, the officer told me WHY they had been called. Some passerby had claimed I was trying to shoot myself. I may not have been at the smartest stage in my life, (i certainly wouldn't ever consider killing myself), but I don't think I would have considered a cap gun to do the job. It just doesn't seem very effective!

Next: How low can you go?

Anybody out there?

It sure is hard to tell if anyone is really interested in this story. I got my sitemeter report today and I had 3 visits this past week. I know that the blog doesn't update very often so if you get notified when it updates then you wouldn't have stopped by. Of the handful of people that said they would be interested in reading this stuff, I've only seen a couple of them show up here. I know it might not be the most entertaining reading and certainly not the most interesting, so, if you have any suggestions ... I would certainly LOVE to hear them. Okay, so I'm just a little bummed and thought I would vent it. If this little poopy paragraph hasn't scared you away ... I'll continue with the story shortly. For those of you that come here on a regular basis ... thanks!

Friday, November 03, 2006

The High School Years

I have always been extremely shy. Being this way was a big factor in my choice of high school. Yup, I had a choice. I could either go to the public high school or go to the private high school. This was a no-brainer for me. There were only 120 people registered for school. I know you are asking yourself, 120 in the 9th grade? or the whole school? Let me clear that up right now. I'm talking about the WHOLE school. Very small. Everyone knows everyone else. Of course knowing who everyone was didn't make me any more popular. I would remain the geek for my entire 5 years of high school. Oh, yeah I said 5. There is not a failure in there anywhere ... this is Ontario don't forget and they HAD grade 13. (Grade 13 has changed at least once since I graduated, when my brother graduated it was OAC). So, yes I graduated from the same high school twice, once for grade 12 and once for grade 13.

Since I was not every outgoing (this hasn't changed) I only had two CLOSE friends. The only two people that actually came up to ME and said "hi" on the first day.

We did all sorts of geeky nerdy unpopular stuff together ... like ... SCIENCE CLUB!
Which, okay, really was kinda fun cuz ... we played with stuff that you would never get to play with in class ... if it burned or blew up ... that was what we did in Science Club. Yeah ok shut-up, I know I suck ... I'm just telling you how it was.

The first couple of years went by and were pretty uneventful. Oh yeah, the 9th grade was also the end of my acting career. In the 6th or 7th grade I had one of the LEAD roles in the school play. Very important. Each year was a lesser part, culminating with the part I got in the 9th grade play. We were doing Arsenic and Old Lace. I was the body in the window seat. Yup. That's the point where I decided Hollywood was probably NOT for me.

So, where was I? Oh yeah ... the year my brother started high school. He was always outgoing AND didn't care what anyone thought. He butted heads with the principal all the time over school rules. ie: no long hair on guys (collar length) and no earrings.
Just for spite he grew his hair long and got his ear pierced.
I don't know if it was just in support of my brother or I saw an opportunity to be "different" and be a "rebel". Whatever it was ... I also grew my hair long, and got my ear pierced too.

I actually ended up with a girlfriend that year ... (my first) ... again, don't look at me like that, I told you I was unpopular! She, however is a whole other story for another day! Probably a couple of stories.

I ended up with a few more friends although only a handful were close friends. Life really was pretty good. I never really got into too much trouble. I made it through school albeit uneventful. It is after I graduated that I turned into a moocher, a lazy @$$ and a criminal...

Next: Did He Just Say What I Thought He Said?