Decisions, decisions ...
and most of them not good ones. For a few years I spent a lot of my time goofing off. Mooching money from my younger brother and basically being a lazy slacker. I spent way too much time doing crappy jobs (if I could keep one) and hanging out with folks I shouldn't have than I did being productive. It's not exactly what I would call the highlight of my life story although there are certainly a lot of life experiences that will hopefully help me steer my children in the right direction. I'm not gonna go into detail regarding all of it because it's not really very exciting or uplifting.
So I had attempted to go to college but my other activities kept me from applying myself. The result ... crap ... complete and utter crap.
My uncle worked at an electronics company and sort of half joking I had told him that if anything comes up, let me know.
That was some years ago.
The day I got a phone call from him asking if I was still interested ... I stood there, receiver in hand, lower jaw dangling WAY too close to the floor. Say what?
"Are you still interested in a job"
"Heck yeah I am"
"Be here tomorrow"
(Just for the record, the trip was 7 hours long). I packed. I drove. I met with them the next morning and the rest as they say is history. The story doesn't all end there but it's at that point I started to get my act together and behave like a responsible adult ... yeah, I know ... YUCK! that's no fun! Maybe not, the relief on my parents was totally worth it!
Thanks mom and dad for being understanding and putting up with my crap!
I love you!
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