In The Beginning...
Since this is a blog about me I decided to start at the beginning. It seemed like as good a place as any. I dropped out of my mothers womb, well, more aptly I was pried out, April 20, 1968. I'd like to be able to tell you all about that day but unfortunately I really don't remember.
To make a long story short, almost exactly 2 years and 8 months later my big brother came into the world. Yeah, you read that right, technically I am the oldest and for a long time I was the bigger brother but that wouldn't last forever. For the most part we got along great, we've always been very close, but there were those occasions when things didn't always go well between us that it didn't matter if I was the oldest ... trust me on this ... size DOES matter!
I learned later in life that my best defense was running! You can't beat the stuffin' out of someone if you can't catch 'em! Unfortunately I was always stupid enough to get into these situations in a confined space!
Moving on...
It was explained to my mother at some point in her life that her having any more children was not likely to happen. My parents wanted a daughter. We went to the store and picked one out. It wasn't all shiny and new. The little girl they had decided on was pre-owned. I think the payments were lower and since they didn't get the extended warranty they had to keep her. She was 2 years old when she came into our family. Do you have any idea what it is like driving for 3 hours with a screaming kid in the car? Dairy Queen couldn't even fix the hurt. Eventually though things got better and life went on.
Years later, to the surprise of everyone, my youngest brother was born. Ok, well the surprise was about 9 months prior to his actual birth. It's not like my mother had no idea why she was getting fat and then dropped a kid on the sidewalk or anything. My youngest brother grew up for all intents and purposes, an only child. The rest of the kids had pretty much finished growin' up and movin' out during his impressionable years. Even though we don't see each other much, we are still pretty close. It probably has to do with the fact that personality-wise, he's a lot like me. Plus we are both big contributors to the world of nerdy geekdom.
So there you have siblings in a nutshell.
Next: The Parents
Wow...when you said fromt he beginning, you really meant it, eh?? heheh Very cool though....a novel idea. I like it and can 't wait to see what you ahve to say about the parents next!! lol
Thanks for sending me the addie here :)
Oops...that last comment was me.....I forgot to change it.
What an interesting read! Can't wait to see what else happens here!
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